How To Choose the Best Outdoor Dog Kennel – Buyer’s Guide
Before buying a kennel for your pet, you should consider several factors that dramatically affect your choice. First, what is your purpose regarding using it? Do you plan to keep your dog there because of destructive behaviors at home when you’re out? Or, you just want to let your pup play outside safely without constant supervision? Maybe, you need a playpen for growing puppies that you can use indoors or outdoors when necessary?
Some pet owners use such barriers at pet-boarding facilities to keep pups aside from each other. All these questions will help you to define the type of product needed. Should it be strong and escape-proof to restrict the aggressive dog or lightweight and easy-folding to let pet parents use it wherever they want.
As a rule, the size of a kennel should be no less than triple the pet’s size to let him walk or spread inside. The height is crucial too. For large pups, the higher the walls are the better. If you leave your pup outside for several hours, the construction must have roof to protect him from UF rays or rain. You have to be ready to prevent your dog from digging under the panels if you plan to leave them in the exercise pen for all day.
Remember, that your pup roaming the streets is at potential risk of missing or getting into trouble. Moreover, there are laws forbidding unsupervised canines on the streets. Therefore, if it’s your choice, be responsible for what you choose.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an outdoor dog kennel and run?
The kennel is the place where a dog has place to sleep and feeding bowls. If it is placed outside the house, it usually looks like an area enclosed with a fence made of welded metal wire. Their dimensions depend on many factors including the recommended size and pet owner’s will.
The run is the place where dogs can play or communicate with each other safely. Usually, it is larger than a kennel, especially if it’s located in the pet shelters. All the commercial kennels there are relatively small and connected to the large run where pups can meet each other and exercise.
The household outdoor kennel can be as large as pet parents want it to be, thus can serve as a run.
Can a dog live outside?
It’s not recommended to keep your canine friends outside constantly. Nowadays, dogs are human companions and family members, so they need to communicate with their parents and spend time by their side.
Of course, there are dog breeds that like to be outside and need more space to exercise. These are Huskies, Malamutes, Cane Corsos, and other large pups. They need to move and like fresh air and even cold weather. Not every pet owner can walk these dogs for so long that they were enough, that’s when the outdoor kennels come in handy. You can let your pup spend time outside securely without need to follow them by yourself.
If you have several pups, they will entertain each other for hours while you’re out. Nonetheless, you have to let your dogs out, train them, and provide them warm place to sleep.
What size outdoor dog kennel do I need?
The size depends on the purpose and the pets. Large canines or several pups require larger kennel with higher walls. For small mutts or puppies, the 32’’ tall playpen will be enough. Think about where you want to use it – outside or inside your home, and for how long you are planning to leave your pup inside. The longer is the time, the bigger the living space has to be. Vivid and playful dogs require more space than older and quiet pets.