Dogs are family members too. We love them, care for them the way we do it for our human kids. We buy them tasty treats, funny toys, comfy beds – all special things created for dogs’ wellbeing.
And what about washing? Your dog needs a bath several times per month to stay fresh and healthy, just like you do. Typically, dogs require bathing when they get dirty or smelly. A good bath once a month is a must even for a house doggie – it will help to get rid of dead hairs, skin flakes, and grease.
There are many dog shampoos on the market today. They are not just pet versions of generic liquid washes; these products have entirely different formulas than those of human treatments. Additionally, the pH balance of a dog and a human are not the same.
Thus, you better not to try your own favorite dog shampoo for your pup (yes, even the babies one!), because it can cause severe issues with his coat and skin. Opt for a decent special shampoo and have your dog beautiful and happy! Here is our rating of the top-notch products, including the ones with special effects.